Saturday, January 27, 2007

January 27, 2007 Cairns, Australia

January 27, 2007
Cairns, Australia

I woke up this morning at around 7:30. I was surprised to find breakfast waiting for me at the side of my hospital bed. I devoured the porridge and bread as I watched some TV and the nurses checked my vitals.

Most of the morning passed without event. I did a crossword puzzle and a sudoku as I relaxed in bed. The head surgeon came to check on me and said that I was doing quite well and that I could leave the hospital tomorrow.

At around 10:30 Spizz and B came to say hello. The told me of their night out on the town celebrating Australia Day and showed me some pictures. They were able to snag me a free hat, which I enthusiastically put on. Even better, they brought me my computer and some DVD’s so that I would have some entertainment for the day

The boys left at around 11:30 and I spent most of the early afternoon playing on my computer and having some lunch. I also attempted to make some phone calls as I watched the women’s final of the Australian Open. Unfortunately, international calls are not permitted from my phone.

Instead, I headed downstairs and used my phone card to call Jackie. We chatted for a bit and then I returned to my bed and played around on my computer for a while (with no internet…). Throughout the rest of the afternoon I chilled out in my bed. I talked to some family members and watched the TV.

Sometime around 15:00 Spizz came and hung out with me. We talked about future plans for the trip and watched some more TV. A short while later B also came by. I decided to take a shower and then we settled down to watch a few DVD’s. Just before we started Dumb and Dumber Jackie called to say goodnight. I talked with her and she made me feel better and then we started the movie.

Once the movie was over we decided to watch another one. We looked through B’s movie library and selected The Incredibles. When the movie was over (around 21:30) the boys took off and I was left alone in the hospital.

I couldn’t find much to watch on TV and instead played around on my computer for a few hours.


Anonymous said...

Keep us posted on your recovery! Hope it will be quick...but don't over-do!
(Look for Owen's high school in the "Incredibles")

Anonymous said...

Hey Shanny hope you are doing better! Take good care of yourself!


Anonymous said...

Jackie just called a bit ago and told us about the van ordeal..I'm sorry...hope that you can get things worked out. How's the surgery site?

Nate said...

If I were Liam I would be afraid after you and O both getting it... He might need preventative surgery.

Hope this doesn't interrupt your plans too much!