January 2, 2007
Vientiane, Laos
WARNING: Almost nothing at all happened today so you might as well skip this one…Sorry, not much at all has happened recently ☹
We woke up this morning at around 8:30. I took a quick shower and then we headed out for breakfast. We went to our usual breakfast spot and were surprised by how terrible the fruit and yogurt was. Still, we filled our bellies and then headed out.
Our first order of business for the day was to figure out what to book a flight to Cambodia and figure out what to do with our remaining time in Laos. We price checked at a couple of travel agents and then decided to use the internet.
While using the internet the annoying Canadian girls showed up and asked the other boys if we would like to mini-golfing. Not wanting to sit around and do nothing (and not wanting to do all the planning) I agreed to go.
It turned out to be a terrible experience. We walked around for ½ an hour and then sat at a café and everyone else drank beer. I had no desire to do any such thing and just sat there, not very happy that we were not taking care of our tickets. Eventually everyone got up and we set out in search of mini-golf once again.
We hired a tuk-tuk driver and headed out of town. The driver ended up taking us to a driving range. Not knowing what to do we asked to be driven back to town. As expected, the driver wanted some extra money. Interestingly, the Canadian girl with $300 sunglasses and a $400 purse complained about paying this guy an extra dollar…
By the time we got back to town I had had enough. I said my goodbyes and left the group, not very happy about our situation. I went for a short walk to blow off some steam and then went to use the internet. I wasted some time checking basketball scores and statistics and then got to chat with Jackie for a bit.
At 16:30 I returned to the room to meet up with the boys and then take care of our tickets. I sat in the room for over an hour before they showed up. We hurried to the travel agents only to find that they were all closed. I was slightly upset with my companions as we headed off to dinner.
After dinner I made a quick trip to the ATM and then went back to the hotel. Upon walking in I was challenged to some more video game soccer. Naturally, I accepted the challenge. I spent the next couple of hours playing video games, which made me feel a little better.
At 20:30 I returned to my room and began packing up my things. I hope to get to bed at a decent hour and get up early and start doing something fun…
Fun tomorrow! Woo hoo!
Darn Canadians....
Hey Sean
Glad you were not near the bombs! Watch out for land mines too. Its a dangerous place. Catching up on the blog.
l'll email soon
love Dad
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