Saturday, January 06, 2007

January 6, 2007 Si Phan Don – Pakse, Laos

January 6, 2007
Si Phan Don – Pakse, Laos

Once again I woke up quite early. I stumbled out of our bungalow and took my usual place in the hammock. I sat there and read my book for a few minutes. A little while later Spizz came outside and told me it was pas 9:00 and I should pack up my things.

Just as I finished packing I looked at the time on my iPod and discovered that it was only 8:30. This type of mistake is common when traveling with Spizz so I took it all in stride. With my things packed up I returned to my relaxing spot and finished Kite Runner.

When the other boys were ready we wandered down for a quick breakfast. After eating we grabbed our luggage and made our way to the rivers edge to hop into a boat and return to the mainland.

We reached the mainland at around 11:00 and purchased tickets for the 12:00 bus to Pakse. We were accompanied on the bus by our Dutch friends from last nights dinner. Though the ride was not very comfortable, it went surprisingly fast.

Just after 14:00 we arrived in Pakse. We booked a room and then jumped on the internet to figure some things out. By 15:00 we were all starving and took a break from the computers. After consuming some fried rice we returned to the internet and I chatted with Jackie and her sister for a while.

Once we were done on the computers we headed up to the room and decided to lie down for a while. We put on an episode of BoB. Next, we went through our photos from the island. By the time we finished it was time for dinner.

We each grabbed a pizza from the Italian restaurant next to our hotel and had a long, relaxing dinner. We did not get back to the room until after 20:00. We spent the remainder of the evening lounging around and watching more DVD’s.

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