Friday, January 19, 2007

January 19, 2007 Sydney, Australia

January 19, 2007
Sydney, Australia

We all slept until almost noon! It was the latest I can remember sleeping in so far on the trip. Still, it was well worth it because our bodies were hurting from the long night in Bangkok and no sleep on the plane.

After getting up we puttered around Kristina’s house for a while and then decided to visit Manly Beach. On the way we stopped at a grocery store for some lunch supplies. I have never been so excited to go food shopping. For the first time in ages we could get food from home and pick out anything we wanted! This enthusiasm was quelled when we got to the checkout counter and realized that we could feed ourselves for several days on the amount we spent on lunch…

We then got back in Milly’s car and continued on our way to the beach. Fifteen minutes later we lying on our towels and enjoying the sunshine. After a quick bite to eat B and I sprinted for the ocean (this time with waves!). We ran as fast as we could until we hit the water and then realized it was much, much colder than the Thailand water…Even so, we swam out and jumped around in the waves. We were surprised to find that swimming was only allowed in a 20-foot stretch of water. If you tried to swim outside this area the lifeguards would yell at you and chase you away with a jet ski…

We remained at the beach until almost 16:00. I took a nice nap and then read a little of my book. When we had had enough sun we returned to Kristina’s house and cleaned ourselves up. She invited some friends over and we watched Wolf Creek, a scary movie about backpackers driving around Australia…

After the movie B headed to sleep. Spizz and I were not very tired. Millie and Kristina offered to take us on a walk across the harbor bridge. It was an amazing stroll. We got to see some awesome views of the city at night and took a million photos of the majestic Opera House.

Once across the bridge we were all a little hungry. We wandered past the bar district and made our way to a late night pancake restaurant. I treated myself to some strawberry pancakes. Not wanting to walk back we jumped in a cab and returned home. By the time we got to bed it was almost 3:00 in the morning…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Are the swimming restrictions because of sharks?
Great pictures of Sydney at night!