Monday, December 11, 2006

December 9, 2006 In Transit – Koh Lanta, Thailand

December 9, 2006
In Transit – Koh Lanta, Thailand

After sleeping (or lack thereof) on the bus we stopped at Surattani (6:00) to transfer to a different bus. Not surprisingly, the bus was late and we sat around for more than an hour. When the bus finally arrived we were surprised by how small and cramped it was (and really cold!). Furthermore, it stopped every few minutes to pick up (or drop off) locals…It felt like the longest bus ride of all time. Making matters worse, we both had to hold in urine for several hours!

As a result we did not get to Krabi Town until 11:30 (about 4 hours late). Once again we had to wait a long time (2 + hours for our next bus transfer). Very hungry we decided to set out in search of some food. Sadly, it was all very, very local stuff that looked kind of scary (meats that had been sitting out for a long time, fish heads, etc.). Fortunately, we found a pet food store that had some human snacks. We survived on chips, cookies, and soda.

At 13:15 we boarded a minibus headed for the island of Ko Lanta. As expected, the bus was quite full and somewhat cramped. For some reason, the bus also had numerous packages stuffed in the area where we should have been able to put our feet. Incredibly, the driver decided to pick up some locals and stuff them into the large van.

After many small roads and several ferries we finally arrived on the island. Unfortunately, the ride was not over yet. Instead of taking us to our desired location, the driver first went around town dropping off the packages stuffed at our feet. Next, he took all the locals to their homes. At 4:45 (about 7 hours after we had expected to arrive) we finally got dropped off at one of the towns 7-Elevens.

Outside of the convenience store the friendly hotel staff met us. We had a quick truck journey to Top View Resort (500 baht a night for a nice room with large ocean view windows). As we got out of the truck we were greeted by Lisa and Alicia (friends from Eugene, OR).

After explaining our hellacious journey Jackie and I were desperate to eat a real meal (for the first time in more than 24 hours). The four of us found a nice table and enjoyed dinner while watching the sunset.

Desperate to do something fun and physically active, Jackie and I went for an evening swim in the bay beneath the “resort”. Though the water was about 85 degrees Fahrenheit, it was extremely refreshing.

Later in the evening we met back up with Lisa and Alicia for a few drinks at the bar overlooking the water. They introduced us to the “bucket” (a big bucket filled with rum and coke). After trading stories of our travels we headed to bed, completely exhausted.

1 comment:

Stu Holdren said...

There is really a place called Krabi town??

That journey sounded terrible, but the final destination looks beautiful.

Say Hi to Alicia and Lisa for me!