Thursday, December 21, 2006

December 19, 2006 Bangkok – Chiang Mai, Thailand

December 19, 2006
Bangkok – Chiang Mai, Thailand

Jackie and I got up this morning at 3:30 after only about 2 hours of sleep. We stumbled around our room and gathered up our things. We then lugged everything down 3 flights of stairs and into the warm night.

Too tired to search for an honest taxi driver we agreed to pay 300 baht to a driver waiting outside of our hotel (this is not much more than it is supposed to cost). For the first time in history the roads were not packed with traffic. We made it to the airport in record time. Unfortunately, during the ride my back started to hurt more than it ever has. I think I hurt it carrying our stuff down the stairs (it is still a little sore…).

We got to the airport at around 4:30 and headed straight for the United check-in desk. As usual there was a long line and it took forever. Once Jackie checked her large bags we made our way over to another booth where she paid her departure tax (500 baht).

For the next 15 minutes we embraced and did a lot of crying (probably the most I have ever done). For the first time since I set out on this journey I desperately wanted to go home. I can’t believe that we have to go so long apart again. The last 3.5 weeks have been the most fun of the entire trip. It is going to be really hard to continue my journey without Jackie.

Once my beautiful girlfriend was out of view (around 5:50) I wandered over to the One-Two-Go counter and asked if I could catch an earlier flight to Chiang Mai (I was scheduled for 10:00). The woman working the counter told me there was a good chance that I could get on as a standby passenger and that I should check back at 6:20.

I sat and read a funny book (a collection of travelers stories) given to my Lisa as I waited. At 6:20 I returned to the counter and asked if I could get on. I had to wait another 20 minutes before I was given an answer. No, I would not be able to get on the earlier flight.

Feeling lonely and depressed (from Jackie’s departure), I ventured to the shopping mall part of the Bangkok airport. I got out my computer and was surprised to find that the airport was equipped with wireless internet. I spent the next 2 hours catching up on emails (while chatting with Stu) and reading about USA sports.

At 9:00 I returned to the airline counter and checked in for my flight. I was then informed that my flight had been canceled. I was moved onto a 12:30 flight to Chiang Mai. Having used all my computer power, I spent the next 3 hours reading my book and wandering around some of the shops. I was excited to find that the Nike Store in the airport had a lot of Pre apparel and several shirts about Oregon and Eugene.

At 12:00 I was able to board my flight. I was shocked by the size of the plane. It had 13 seats in each row and was a double-decker! I found this particularly interesting because it is only a 1-hour flight.

As soon as I found my seat I fell asleep. I did not wake up again until I was back in northern Thailand. After a long walk through the airport I finally arrived at the baggage claim. I scooped up my bag and went outside in search of a taxi (I settled on a tuk-tuk).

Twenty minutes and 100 baht later I arrived at Eagle Guest House (where spizz was staying). I asked if my friend was there and was told that he had already checked out. I then made my way to the nearest internet café in hopes of having an email that would tell me where to go. Fortunately, Spizz emailed me his new residence.

His new guesthouse was just around the corner and I quickly found the building. When I arrived I found Spizzle in bed and very sick. After paying a 100 baht and moving another bed into the room, I decided to relax for a few minutes. We were not a very exciting pair, a depressed Sean and sick Spizzle.

At 2:00 I figured out that I would not be able to sleep I decided to get some food (a very late lunch). I ate fried rice until I spotted a large rat under one of the nearby tables. No longer hungry I wandered around town for a little bit and decided to call Lisa. She said she had to work until 6:00 and that I should call her back then.

On my way back to the room I decided to stop for a Thai massage. Before she began she asked if I would like it “hard”. Not thinking anything of it, I said yes. For the next hour I felt like the muscle was being torn from my bones. Still, when it was all over I felt refreshed any my back felt a lot better.

When I returned to the room I took a hot shower and then played on the internet (we got wireless in our room). At 6:20 I called Lisa and we made a plan to meet in an hour at Johns Place (a local bar).

As it turns out our hostel (M.D House) was quite close to Johns Place. It took less than 10 minutes to get there. I was surprised to find that Lisa was already there when I arrived (both of us arrived early). We shared a few beers and I got some dinner.

When I was done eating we headed for Roof Top Bar (another popular spot in town). As the name would suggest, it was on the top of a building. We climbed several flights of stairs and passed by some weird paintings before reaching the bar. Still, it was well worth it. The bar had an awesome view of the city and a super fun (very chill) atmosphere.

We spent a few hours at the bar chilling out and talking about our travels. I told Lisa how much I was missing Jackie and how things would not be the same without her. It was great to have someone to hang out with (especially nice since Spizz was dead to the world).

At around 11:00 (a late night for me these days) we parted ways. I returned to the hostel and collapsed into bed. I decided to fall asleep to a DVD to keep my mind from wandering to sad thoughts.

It was easily the longest and toughest day of the trip…


Anonymous said...

Sean you are so sweet! You will have fun on the last half of your journey and be back in Jackie's arms before you know it :) I hope Spizzle is better!


Stu Holdren said...

Oh Sean, tough to come up with something funny to say about this post, but, it was great talking with you and it made me miss you!!

Take care of my spizzle sticks.