Monday, December 25, 2006

December 25, 2006 Mae Tang, Thailand

December 25, 2006
Mae Tang, Thailand


Thanks for the money Mom, Pat, and Dad! Ill put it to good use. Thanks for coming to visit me earlier this month Jackie! Sorry I couldn’t send more presents home but the post here is super expensive…It really is sad to be away from friends and family during this time of year. It would be even harder if I didn’t have some good friends her with me.

B and I woke up this morning at around 8:00. Not having a tree to go to or presents to unwrap, we stayed in our sleeping bags and were in and out of sleep for the next 1.5 hours. I spent most of the time reading my book…

A little before 10:00, Lisa came into our room and joined us. We recapped the events of the night before and then decided to go wake up Spizzle Stix. Once everyone was awake Alicia led us to the dinning area for some breakfast. The only thing that sounded appetizing was butter (melted in the microwave and spread with a spoon) and toast.

When the bread ran out we made a trip back to Julie’s house (minus Alicia who had to go teach) and helped her clean up. Once the house was in order we relaxed around the TV and watched Elf (for real this time).

By the time the movie was over the day had gotten quite warm and it was time for lunch. We returned to the school, reunited with Alicia, and had a strange Thai lunch. When we were done eating we made a trip to the computer lab and read some Christmas emails. Having spent so much time on the computer yesterday, it was a short computer session.

At around 13:30 the girls went into town to get supplies for Christmas dinner. Spizz, B, and I made a trip to the basketball hoops. Although the hoops only went to about 8 feet high and they only had womens balls, it was fun to shoot a real basketball for the first time in what feels like forever. We shot around and then played a few games of H-O-R-S-E (Spizz won one and I won two).

We returned to our rooms at around 15:00 and relaxed for a while. I spent some time blogging, sorting through photos, and reading. Everyone reconvened at Julies house at around 17:00.

We then cooked Christmas dinner together. Because of our Irish ancestory Spizz and I were designated as the potato peelers (for mashed potatoes). Everyone contributed and we soon had a large Christmas feast. As we ate we watched A Christmas Story and got into the holiday spirit. I ate more than I have since leaving home more than 4 months ago. When the movie ended everyone was so full that we could not move. Even so, we forced down a small desert (for some it was a piece of cake and for others a small chocolate coin).

Just after 20:00 Spizz and B returned to their rooms for an early night. I hung out with the girls for a little while longer. Someone made mold wine (like Glug), which is red wine warmed up and combined with fruits and juices. After one cup I was ready for bed. As I said my goodbyes the rest of the people at Julies house started watching a DVD of a Thai music concert (making me glad I was tired…)

It turned out to be a more festive Christmas than I thought we would have. Still, I miss everyone back at home and wish I could have been with my family!



Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas!! We're getting ready to watch the annual Kobe/Shaq match, which makes us all think of you!! Glad to hear you had a festive day! (and fun to hear you were able to play a little b-ball.)
Love, MOM

Anonymous said...


Stu Holdren said...

Merry Christmas Sean! I also played horse with my dad yesterday. He actually beat me one game. Guess how. The godforsaken bank-shot. One day I will figure out how to shoot those!

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Sean!! It was great to talk to you. Thanks for calling. I know from previous experience that it is hard to call from where you are. On a sad note ... The Lakers lost pretty convincingly to the Heat today.

Love Dad

Nate said...

Merry Christmas!

Albeit a rather late one...