Monday, November 06, 2006

November 4th, 2006 Nairobi, Kenya – In Transit

November 4th, 2006
Nairobi, Kenya – In Transit

I think that I have gotten used to our safari schedule. Even though I was up late last night (2:30 am) I woke up just after 8:00. B and I grabbed some breakfast and then began packing up our things. We took it slow and stayed in our room until 12:00, when we had to checkout.

After checking out we went hung out in Holly’s room. We got some food, used the internet and reminisced about our safari. At 14:00 B and I said our goodbyes and left the hotel. We walked ½ a block before finding a taxi that would take us the airport for 1500 Kenyan schillings ($20).

We got the airport about 2.5 hours before our flight (though they recommend 3). After going through the usual security and baggage check procedures, we wandered into some of the overpriced tourist shops to kill time.

About an hour before our scheduled departure we went to our gate (16:15). When we got there it was a mass of confusion. Apparently South African Airways was using the gate and not allowing any Kenya Airways (our airline) passengers to go through security. Once the South African Airways employees left and Kenyan Air Official greeted everyone waiting to go to Cairo.

The first thing he told us was that our plane was delayed. Naturally, our first question was “for how long?” Instead of responding he asked us to follow him to the Kenya Airways lounge (we took this as a very bad sign). Once there some of the passengers demanded to know the length of the delay. The airline official made numerous calls and then informed everyone that the plane had net yet left Mozambique and we would be delayed at least 5-hours (until 21:00).

Not knowing what else to do, B and I found a place to sit down in the crowded lounge. To pass the time we watched Lion King 2: The Pride of Simba and Lion King 3: Hakuna Mattata. While not as amazing as the first, it was fun to see the cartoon versions of all of the animals we were privileged enough to see on safari.

At 19:30 we decided to visit the gate because it was announced that Kenya Air would be offering refreshments to make up for the delay. We were pleasantly surprised to find that the airline had opened up an entire café and passengers could help themselves to whatever they wanted. We stuffed ourselves with sandwiches, chips, juice, yogurt, and soda.

At 20:15 it was time to start boarding. As we sat in the boarding lounge waiting, it became apparent that our flight was further delayed. One of the other passangers finally cracked and got up on his chair and started yelling and demanding to be told what was going on. Though it appeared as thought there might be some sort of riot, B and I fell asleep on the airport floor.

At 22:45 we finally boarded the plane. As it turns out, a new plane was brought in with a different seating arrangement. After lots of confusion the stewardess announced that it would be open seating. Luckily, B and I were already seated in an exit row!

When the plane finally left the ground I quickly fell asleep.

NOTE: I forgot to mention that at one point I purchased some candy and was overcharged. Incredibly, the store employee searched through he airport and found me in order to give me the correct change (equivalent of about 70 cents).

Also, since i have no photos for the last couple of days, here are some extras from the safari.


Anonymous said...

Sean--You are the best traveler: ever since you were tiny, you can fall asleep anywhere, on any trip! Good to hear about airport honesty!

Anonymous said...

Hey Sean

You must be the only one in the world (besides B) that would fall asleep during a potential riot.