Thursday, October 05, 2006

October 5th, 2006 Berlin, Germany

October 5, 2006
Berlin, Germany

This morning was much the same as the last. I got up at 9:00 followed by a shower and amazing breakfast (one again we smuggled out enough food to have a nice lunch). We got out of the hostel just before 11:00.

Our first stop of the day was Museum Island. The first museum we entered was the Altes Museum (oldest museum in Berlin). Upon entering we were told that we had to purchase a ticket. Incredibly, we were able to get a 3-day student pass to all the public museums for just 7.50 Euro (regular people pay 15)!

Although the museum was not very large is was home to the world-renowned bust of Nefretiti. After examining this piece and some other Greek and Egyptian works we moved on to the national gallery.

The national gallery building was very cool looking. Even so, once we went inside we came to realize that we did not feel like browsing thousands of paintings. From there we headed to the incredibly large Pergamon Museum. It was home to numerous Babylonian works and houses the Ishtar Gate. Still, we quickly realized that we were a little bit museumed out…

We got out of the museum around 14:00 and decided it was time for lunch. After filling our bellies we retraced many of the steps we took yesterday on our tour. We made our way past the Jewish monument and back to the Brandenburg Gate and parliament building.

After taking a few photos I realized that I was totally exhausted. We decided to check out the nearby Sony center and then head back to the hostel. By 17:00 I was lying in bed and taking for a much needed rest.

At 19:00 we pulled ourselves out of bed and gathered up our clothing. We hauled our stuff around the corner to the Laundromat. We are currently washing all of our stinky cloths.

For the rest of the evening we are going to take it pretty easy. We will probably grab some dinner at a nearby restaurant. We are considering a return to the sony center to catch a movie…


Anonymous said...

Great profile, Sean!

Nate said...

That is exactly what I was going to say... Time is ticking on your time in Europe eh? Don't forget to make your way up to Finland...