Saturday, October 07, 2006

October 7th, 2006 Berlin - Frankfurt, Germany

October 7, 2006
Berlin – Frankfurt, Germany

Once again, last night we sat down and were too tired to get back up and go out. Instead, we went to bed early (20:00 for B, 23:00 for me). We both got up around 8:00 and packed up our stuff.

After eating a good breakfast we left the hostel (11:00) for the train station. We got to the main station and boarded a train for Frankfurt (Ober). After 10 minutes on the train we felt like we were going the wrong way. We jumped off the train at the next major stop and the found a different train to Frankfurt (our last stop in Europe!). We later learned that Frankfurt Ober is a town next to the Polish boarder! Luckily, our next train was headed for the correct Frankfurt.

I spent the entirety of the 4-hour ride listening to Harry Potter: The Half Blood Prince (number 6).

We arrived at Frankfurt just before 17:00. We quickly found our hostel, as it was only 100 M from the main station. After checking in and figuring out how to use the room keys (they are these weird card that you wave in front of the lock and then have to spin the lock…), we decided to explore the city a little bit.

Frankfurt is much more condensed that Berlin. Upon looking at a map we learned that almost all of the sights are within walking distance. We made our way to downtown (which only took about 10 minutes) and then saw some of the sights.

The first thing that we saw (of any interest) was a structure that looked like an old castle. We then made our way by a large clock tower (that rang from 17:50 to 18:00) and eventually ended up in a large square with some of Frankfurt’s most famous (and old) buildings. It was super cool!

From there we headed to the waters edge. We watched a beautiful sunset and took some pictures. We then decided to head back toward our hostel. On the way we stopped into a restaurant for some schnitzel. We also each had a mezzo mix (coke mixed with orange soda).

On the walk from the restaurant to our hostel we ran into some people dressed as condoms. We though they were funny and took one of their giveaways. Apparently, there is a large sex trade in the city and they were giving out informative fliers (I had no idea Frankfurt was that type of town!).

We just returned to the hostel (20:00) and are trying to figure out what we would like to do for the rest of the evening. We both have a little more energy tonight than we have the last few nights…

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