Saturday, October 14, 2006

October 14th, 2006 Dubai, United Arab Emirates

October 14, 2006
Dubai, UAE

Last night we used the internet and ate some dinner. We then returned to our room and watched some TV (part of T3 and Maid in Manhattan) as we fell asleep.

We got up this morning at around 11:00. For breakfast I had some cereal and a banana. We then treated ourselves to some camel milk (very common here). It was a lot thicker and a little more sour than cow’s milk…

We then paid 60 Durhams (a little less than $20) to get a ride to the beach (arriving at 13:30). We spent about an hour in the incredibly hot sun and water. It was the first time in my life that I wished that the ocean water was a little bit cooler…

As the day got hotter and hotter (easily over 100 F) we needed to get indoors. Knowing that we could not get into the 7-star hotel, we decided to try to sneak into the one next to it. Luckily, we got into the lobby and chilled out for a while. It was an amazingly nice hotel and it felt awesome to escape from the heat. While there we saw numerous awards for “Best Beach Resort” and other such awards for the 4 or 5 years. Before the 7-star was built, this was the nicest hotel in the world!!

After our air-conditioned break, we tried to sneak into the hotels pool but were turned away. Instead, we went back to the beach. Fortunately, we found a nice spot in the shade. It was much more comfortable and we relaxed there for a couple of hours.

At 16:30 we were picked up and returned to our hotel. We showered and chilled out for a while. Patiently waiting for the sun to go down (and the restaurants to open) for dinner. At abound 18:00 we heard the speaker outside our room start calling people to mosque (for B and I this signified that restaurants were opening…),

We walked almost 15 minutes to the creek and found a restaurant right on the water (recommended by our driver). We had a very large Arabic meal. It was phenomenal. I had a mixed grill, B had a grilled fish, and we shared some humus (I usually don’t like humus but Arabic humus is really good!). I also had the best grape juice I have ever tasted…NOTE: We both found it interesting that on the menu (next to the appetizers) there were a variety of Hashish offered.

We both ate so much that we had difficulty getting up out of the seats and taking the long walk to our hotel. On the way we noticed that there was much more activity at night than during the day. The streets were bustling with activity and all of the stores that were closed midday were now open (we are located in the technology sector of the city so almost all of the stores sell electronics…).

Upon returning to our room we were exhausted. We decided to lie in our beds for a while and watch a soccer game. We plan on using the internet and then going to sleep…


Anonymous said...

hey sean dubia sounds great, Im jealous that you get to go to all these cool places.


Anonymous said...

SHANNY! Dubia sounds amazing, speaking of amazing, I think "B" should write something sometime! And then speaking of your friends, where did Stupendous go! I miss his comments... i remember who u are so dont sneak up behind me or however that song goes... anyway i am rocking it with grandma and grandpa, and we are having a blast! I miss u so much! I wish i was with u! any ways im off to basketball, after runninng 7 miles in cross country :(! My game starts at 9 pm what is with that?!? any ways G2g my ride is here...

Love Owen

ps. Did i write a novel or what? liam has much to learn...

Anonymous said...

look at the "URL" of my "web page" its awesome! it wont come up as a real site but look at the name it is random and freaking hilarious...

Stu Holdren said...

Stupendous is right hear. Now that I don't have a real job, I don't have time to sit at the computer and not do my job. Does that make sense??

Dubai sounds pretty tight. Glad you got to go see Maid in Manhattan. I had a date to see that movie...with A GIRL...and I was going to meet her at the movie. It was the most awkward thing, being the burly man's man that I am, to go to the ticket counter and go "ONE for Maid in Manhattan please."

So...did you order tha hashish with your hummus?