Tuesday, October 03, 2006

October 3, 2006 - Interlaken - Berlin

October 3, 2006
Interlaken, Switzerland – Berlin, Germany

We awake at 9:45 this morning and had to quickly pack our things (as to be out of the room by the 10:30 lockout). We then played on the internet for a while and then planned out our train route to Berlin (Interlaken – Bern – Zurich – Berlin).

At 11:15 we left the hostel and headed for the train station. On the way we stopped at the supermarket and got breakfast goods for the train. Once at the train station we found the train to Bern. In an incredible stroke of luck, we noticed that the train continued on through Switzerland and Germany and ended up in Berlin! We did not have to switch trains at all!

It was a long and tiring train ride. The first several hours were filled with amazing scenery. After that, I finished listening to Harry Potter: Order of the Phoenix and took a nice long nap. It was such a long train ride that we ended up eating breakfast, lunch, and dinner on the train…

When we arrived in Berlin we were amazed to see that the train station was housed inside of a large mall. It was kind of confusing and it took us a while to find an information desk and figure out how to get to our hostel. After taking a bus to the correct part of town we wandered the streets for a while. Eventually, we asked a food stand where to find our hostel. The guy looked at us funny and then told us it was right across the street…Feeling slightly stupid, we went to check it.

It is the most amazing hostel yet! Lonely Planet lists it as one of the top 3 hostels in the world. It has a fun atmosphere and the rooms are super cool. In fact, they are more like the rooms at a nice hotel than a cheap hostel.

We are both tired from the long day of travel and plan getting some sleep so we can explore the enormous city tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

Hey Sean

I forgot to tell you about the best German food. It's bockwurst mit brotchen und senf. Try it out at a local kiosk before you leave Germany. Landjaeger sausage is good too and you've already discovered the weinerschnitzel so you should be in fine shape!

Anonymous said...

Nowhere near Berlin!!

Anonymous said...

Oh! When you are in Germany, my family and I decided that you should look up "Koehne" in a phone book (if there are public ones available) and then go contact all my long lost relatives!... okay, maybe not that last part, but you should see how many Koehnes there are. It would be cool to know.


PS I think in German Koehne is actually pronounced like Tuna but with a K. And it may or may not have an umlaut...