Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Delayed Posts

Hey there bloggers.

I just wanted to say sorry for not updating this page in the last few days. I have not had the internet. Even now I am writing from a computer other than mine. However, I have been writing my blog on my computer and do not wish to retype all of my posts. I will try to get internet access in the next 24 hours and give you guys 3 or 4 posts! Just know that I had a good time in Amsterdam and now am in Prague...

Hope you are still enjoying this page!


Stu Holdren said...

You should be sorry. This is rediculous! This blog is my lifeblood!!

Good chatting w/ you briefly on Gmail!

Cant wait to read all of the posts while I am at work tomorrow not doing any work! woo!

Anonymous said...

Whew! I was getting worried after that last post in the Brussells train station...
Can't wait for more!

Anonymous said...

You are awesome with these blogs! At the end of the trip you'll love yourself for doing this! Stay safe and have fun! Ben says Hi too :)

Anonymous said...

That's from me, Jamie...it just decided to post itself before I was ready