Sunday, August 15, 2010


7:00 am: Breakfast & pick up pack lunch

8:00 am -3:00 pm: Survey for Giraffe Skin Disease & Buffalo Herd Counts (Packed lunch)
Leaders: Epaphras Alex & Ole Meing’ataki, TANAPA
We split into three groups and drove through different parts of the park to determine the prevalence of skin lesions in giraffe. Counts of affected and unaffected giraffe were taken and the locations of giraffe recorded. Digital photographs of skin lesions were also taken to build a digital library of the disease presentation. When we returned we input data to create a map of affected and unaffected giraffe. In all approximately 80% of the giraffe surveyed are affected with this skin disease. One of the other cars encountered a buffalo herd, recorded the location, the number of bulls, cows and calves, and the body condition of the herd was assessed.

3:15 pm: Tea

3:30-5:30 pm: Giraffe and Buffalo Counts discussion
Leaders: Ole Meing’ataki & Epaphras Alex, TANAPA
Each team gave a brief presentation about what was observed on their transects and any findings of interest. Our highlight was a pair of giraffe with injured tails (probably from a lion attack) and a very sick hippo that was quite far from the river. However, our time was cut short by a flat tire (quite common).

When we returned to our banda, Vincent and I were surprised to find a giraffe blocking our path. Eventually we made our way inside to rest and then hit the showers before dinner.

7:00 pm: Dinner

7:30-8:30 pm: Field exercise orientation
Instructors: Alex Epaphras, TANAPA; & Donald Mpanduji, Professor, SUA
A brief review of chemical immobilization of species to be targeted as part of ongoing research projects in Ruaha and a safety orientation was given. We were divided into two groups for immobilization exercises and given specific roles. As one of the larger men in the group I was assigned giraffe roping duty.
Evening: By the time we were done with lecture everyone was exhausted. I did a quick rinse to get the dust off and then went straight to bed.

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