Saturday, June 26, 2010


Today was filled mostly with lecture so today’s pictures are from various points from the last week.

7:00: Breakfast

8:00 – 10:15 am: Grant Writing

Presenter: K. Gilardi

Gilardi has spent considerable time on both sides of the grant proposal process: writing and reviewing. She utilized a “recipe” for grant-writing prepared by Robert Perry to walk us through the essentials of preparing an excellent proposal. We then read and reviewed a grant, holding a mock grant review panel, and decided whether or not to fund the grant proposal. We also discussed why or why not groups decided to fund the proposal.

10:30 am – 12:00 pm: Practicing Ecosystem Health

Presenter: Gwen Griffith, Cumberland River Compact

Griffith's career as a veterinarian has spanned the gamut between work as an equine practitioner to her present position as the director of a watershed protection program, funded by the EPA and run by a regional nonprofit, the Cumberland River Compact. Griffith's career exemplifies the many paths one can forge as a veterinarian with a commitment to wildlife and ecosystem health.

12:00 pm: Lunch

1:00 – 4:00 pm: Media Training

Presenter: Rob Hilsenroth, American Association of Zoo Veterinarians President

Hilsenroth advised us on how and when to work with the print and broadcast media to convey conservation messages and communicate about environmental crises. We had a chance to practice interview techniques. We also practiced media skills in group activities and on camera.

4:15 – 5:45 pm: Finding and Forging a Path

Presenter: Ted Mashima, American Association of Veterinary Medical Colleges

Successful careers for wildlife and ecosystem health practitioners depend on non-clinical competencies in communication (interpersonal, oral, written), networking, management, leadership, adaptability, negotiation, and facilitating mentor relationships. Mashima, a ACZM-board certified veterinarian with a breadth of experience in mentoring students, offered insight and guidance on how to gain these skills throughout a career. I also thought it was exciting that Mashima was the lead author of the book “The Rhino with Glue on Shoes”, which my mother gave to me last year.

7:00 pm: Dinner

As usual we had a fabulous dinner. When we were done eating, Nate and I went on a bike ride around the property we cruised around the golf course and returned to the big game room just before the rain started pouring down. From there we spent a large portion of the evening hanging out with Mashima, playing beer pong, and getting in a great game of pool volleyball.


Unknown said...

Fun to meet the author of a book you enjoyed!

Joyce said...
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Joyce said...
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Joyce said...

My comment went in twice, so I accidentally deleted it twice...
Anyway, what I said was:

I can't believe all the experience that you are getting and I love the blog!