Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Last Post until July 4th

8 – 9:15 am: From Honeybees to Rhinoceros: Conservation engages all forms of life

Presenter: Robin Radcliffe, Cornell University and the International Rhino Foundation

Radcliffe's work focuses on the health and conservation of rhinoceros species around the globe, yet his interest in finding sustainable conservation solutions is broad-based. He compared and contrasted significant conservation challenges facing two seemingly disparate taxonomic organisms: the tiny honeybee on one end of the size scale and the megavertebrate rhinoceroses on the other.

9:30 am – 12:00 pm: Group Project Presentations

Five group project were presented: Refuse Burning, Rhinocerous Translocation, White Nose Syndrome of Bats, Poaching of Wildebeest in the Serengetti (my project) and one that I cant remember…Each presentation lasted approximately 20 minutes followed by 10 minutes of Q&A.

All in all, our presentation went well.

12:00 pm: Lunch

1:00 – 3:00 pm: Pack up

This what I am currently doing. We will be on St. Catherines Island for the next 3 days. I will not have internet or a computer so the blog will be on hiatus until July 4th. Here is the schedule for the remainder of the day:

3:00 pm: Depart White Oak L; drive to St. Catherines Island J
5:00 to 7:30 pm: Depart dock, boat to island; set up camp upon arrival.
7:30 to 9 pm: Dinner; brief introduction to our St. Catherines Island unit.


Unknown said...

Back from camping trip, and great to get caught up on the blog! Looking forward to hearing about St Catherine's Island...Glad you had such a good b-day!

Unknown said...

PS Fun to see you did another report on Wildebests in the Serengetti ...remember you did a middle school oral report on that? We have it on video...I'll try to find!