Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Wednesday, June 16: ARRIVAL DAY

Well, its been a few years but I am going to get this blog going again this summer as I am off on another big adventure! This summer I am participating in the envirovet program for veterinary students interested in conservation and wildlife medicine.

Jackie took me to the airport this morning very early (12:30) and I jumped on a red eye to Jacksonville, Fl. By the time I arrived I had not slept much but it was already noon. After collecting my bag I was greeted by one of the other students and a veterinarian at the white oak conservation center, where we are staying. We patiently waited at the airport for another student and the program director, Val.

Upon arrival I dumped my luggage in my room and then went to the lodge for some food. This place is amazing! It is like some sort of wildlife resort. Everything is very fancy...I then wandered to grounds with a few fellow students before our scheduled activities.

5:30 – 6:45 pm:Introduction to Envirovet Summer Institute Session I

Presenter: Kirsten Gilardi, Co-Director, Envirovet Summer Institute, UC Davis Wildlife Health Center

Gilardi walked us students through the schedule for our two weeks at White Oak and on St Catherines Island, orienting us to White Oak Conservation Center and describing what to expect and prepare for throughout the session. We then introduced ourselves to fellow students and faculty, and shared our motivations and hopes for participation in Envirovet 2010. We have a very diverse group from all over the world, it is going to be really fun to meet everyone! Ohh and my roommate is not going to be here for a few more days so for now I have a place all to myself.

7:00 pm Dinner

We are going to be eating very well during out stay. Tonight we had a three course meal and were told to expect the same for the next few weeks. It was delicious.

After eating I joined some of my fellow participants in the pool behind our lodging. Sadly, I forgot my swimsuit so I had to make due with an extra pair of basketball shorts. We then made our way to the bar for a few drinks and some socializing. We learned that this fancy plantation has seen its fair share of celebrities. We heard stories about snoop dogg, Howard Stern, and Sir Paul enjoying the grounds.

PS – Sorry I didn’t take any pictures today. I was pretty exhausted from the red eye flight. I will get back on it tomorrow!


Unknown said...

Excited for pictures!!
Good night, dearest

Unknown said...

Yahoo!! So glad to see the blog! So far, sounds great!

Anonymous said...

Hey Sean,
So glad to see that you are back to blogging! It will be great to hear about your summer!
Aunt Joyce