Monday, June 21, 2010


1:00 am: Vincent Arrival

My roommate for the course finally arrived early this morning. I hear the Canadian set his things down and collapse into his bed.

6:00 am: Breakfast

I met my roommate over breakfast and learned that he is a recently graduated veterinary student from Montréal. Shortly thereafter the Envirovet group loaded into two large vans and headed for the Jacksonville Zoo.

7:00 am – 2:00 pm: Jacksonville Zoo

Leader: Nick Kapustin, Senior Veterinarian, Jacksonville Zoo and head of Florida Panther Conservation; Delfi Messinger – Head of Zoo conservation; Craig Miller – Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation commission; Dr. J. Andrew Teare – Jaguar reproduction Research; Donna Bear-Hull – Woodstork and Whooping Crane Programs; Dino Ferri – Amphibian Conservation Center.

Kapustin presented an overview of Jacksonville Zoo’s local and international conservation partnerships, illustrating important contributions that zoos can make to both conservation and public awareness; highlighting the work that has been done with Florida Panthers. Messinger illustrated unique programs the zoo has undertaken to raise money for conservation programs. These include involving all staff on projects and selling crafts (sticks and paintings) “made” by the animals. Miller described the efforts to zoo has undertaken to assist in manatee rescues. Teare shared the difficulties he has had in breeding jaguars in captivity. Bear-Hull explained the state of local woodstorks and whooping cranes and how the zoo is helping to grow their populations. After the presentations we toured the zoo’s Jaguar exhibit, nesting woodstorks, new Amphibian Conservation Center. After lunch we were given free time to explore the rest of the zoo grounds. Before leaving Kapustin lead a tour of the zoo hospital.

4:30 – 6:00 pm: Corporate Environmental Responsibility

Presenter: Jackie Ogden, Vice President of Disney’s Animal Programs and Environmental Initiatives, Orlando, FL.

Ogden talked about Disney’s commitment to corporate environmental responsibility, using their business and operational initiatives, stewardship and public education/outreach programs to illustrate the ways that businesses can help ameliorate threats to the environment. I absolutely LOVED this talk. Disney is doing some really cool things.

7:00 pm: Dinner

After dinner our group met to discuss our project and divide up responsibilities. It was a short but productive meeting. Once done, we grabbed a few beers and talked with the professors leading tomorrows sessions.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sounds like a great day! Pictures...WOW! Glad to hear Disney is doing good things...I'll feel better about going to Disneyland!(and I really like Disneyland!)