Thursday, August 24, 2006

Traveling to London and the First Day

We are currently on the plane to London. I’m having trouble sleeping so I thought I’d write a quick note. The plane was delayed from taking off for quite some time so we got a later start than anticipated. To make matters worse, the sound for the in-flight movies is not working and I can’t find the last piece of the tri-force in Legend of Zelda and have grown tired of looking. Since I just beat B in a game of chess (on the computer), I thought I would take a moment out to just think about all that has gone into this trip before trying to squeeze in a nap. It seems like forever ago that we went into the STA Travel office and purchased our tickets. The last two months have flown by. I have spent so much time getting ready for this trip that the people at REI (especially Paul) and STA (our lovely agent Danielle) have become friends. All the preparation is over (most of it anyway…) and it is time relax and enjoy the trip. Nonetheless, I am still a mixture of all kinds of emotions. It is probably the strangest feeling that I have ever had. London lies ahead!

UPDATE: We just finished our first day out exploring London. We did so much today without sleeping yet. We walked from our hostel to Big Ben and also checked out the London eye. It was very long walk for our tired legs (about 5 miles) and we had to stop in at a pub for some fish and chips and a beer. We took tons of photos of Big Ben and got tickets to ride the Eye tomorrow. Big Ben and Parliament are totally awesome. And just in case you were wondering, whilst the name 'Big Ben' was officially given to the main bell, over time it has come to be associated with the entire clock tower, which is officially called St. Stephen's Tower. Anyway, It is very cool to be so close to such an famous location. Also, we found that almost all the must see things in London are long the river. Tomorrow should be packed adventure! Tonight we are going to take it easy and its time for bed (even though its only 7:45) since we have been up more than 24 hours.

I really do miss all of you. It has only been one day and I miss so many of my friends and family. And to all of my girlfriends, it is sad to not have someone to spoon with ;)...

COOL NOTE: For all you facebookers, Peter Baston is creating a photo album of some of our pictures.


Stu Holdren said...

WHAT?! 2 posts to reply to throughout my workday? There is a God! I hope you made it to London with a stash of lotions and vaseline all while eluding their ever-clever security. I'm glad you saw Big Ben...cornrows or afro this time? That crazy coot.

Well.. I miss your musk(s).


Stu Holdren said...

Dungeon 8

Enter and go right. Kill all the bad guys and get the key. Go left twice, kill the Mandhandlas, and go left again. Kill the darknuts and the gibdos and move the left stone. Go Downstairs and get the magic book. Go back up and go right twice, then up. Kill the manhandlas and bomb the north wall. Kill the bad buys to get a key then go left. Kill the guys in here for another key, Then go left and kill the Darknuts for a third key. Go right twice then up twice. Bomb the north wall and go up. Kill the manhandlas for a map. Go up and kill Gohma. Go right and kill all the bad guys, then move the stone. You'll get a special master key that will open all the doors (So you don't need to collect more keys). Go back left then down twice, then go right. go down the stairs then up the other. Go left, up, then bomb the right wall. Inside the next room is boss of level 8, another dragon. Once you kill it, collect the last heart container. Go up. You just found the last piece of triforce!

You're welcome!

love Stu

Anonymous said...

Well, since I have poo poo panda, I suppose I will allow you and B to spoon (but I am not sure I can speak on behalf of your other girlfriends). :D
These pictures are so great! You are so handsome! <3