Monday, August 21, 2006

Comments and Spizzle Stix

Thanks to those of you who have read my blog before I even leave! One quick note: It would be really cool if when you leave a comment you also leave your name. I want to be sure I know whose sayin' what. Thanks!

And Spizz just purchased his plane ticket to come meet us in Thailand and complete the rest of the journey! How awesome is that?!


Stu Holdren said...

I admit it... I left the post about taking a framed picture of me with you. I understand if you don't have room at least could put a pic of me on your iPod or Macbook...right?

Anonymous said...

I'll talk to you later today i hope. Right now I'm just trying to figure out how to post a comment. See you In Thailand i hope!Any body whos going ,please tell me what shots to get!


Stu Holdren said...

I am having blog update withdrawal!! No big "We're off!" update??